Volunteers….Making a Difference at Hopedale Commons
Consider volunteering at HMC by sharing your time, talents, and gifts with those that are part of Hopedale Medical Complex. As volunteers at HMC, we offer an extra dimension of care and services to all those we support. Volunteer Services is essential to the mission of Hopedale Medical Complex providing an efficient and humanistic volunteer staff, which offers an extra dimension of care and service to patients, empathy for families, visitors, and supportive services for the staff.
We welcome individuals of all abilities and backgrounds and do not judge applicants by race, religion, or age. Instead, we pursue volunteers who understand the need of service to others, are dependable and are committed to the betterment of their community.
Volunteer Benefits
Volunteers provide an invaluable service to not only the HMC family but to each person that they encounter during their volunteer shifts. Below is a list of some of the benefits offered to volunteers at HMC:
Volunteers receive a free meal at the HMC Cafeteria during their volunteer shift.
Volunteers are eligible for a free individual membership to the Hopedale Wellness Center.
Volunteers are eligible for free flu vaccinations when available.
Volunteers receive skills training that are appropriate to their volunteer position.
Volunteers are included in many HMC social functions.
Volunteers are eligible for staff education classes when appropriate and available.
Volunteers are honored during the annual National Volunteer Week as an expression of appreciation for their contributions.
Volunteer Backgrounds
HMC volunteers come from a wide array of backgrounds that help us fill unique and special volunteer roles within the complex. Your efforts will help us continue to provide outstanding health, wellness, and senior living services at HMC. HMC volunteers find fulfillment, practical work experience, and companionship in their time with HMC.
Retirees offer a wealth of knowledge to the HMC family by sharing with us their life-long work experience and the invaluable amount of time that they share with us.
Community groups share their musical talents, skills, and passions with the HMC family.
Adults from all walks of life, bring expertise from their own fields, fostering new relationships within HMC. Opportunities for personal growth and social change are part of the volunteer experience.
Young adults have the opportunity to gain valuable experience that can be utilized on resumes and for future employment. Also, students can consider fulfilling their community service hours from their school at HMC. The volunteer opportunities at HMC are endless and encompass options at all of the facilities on campus including the Hospital, Nursing Home, Assisted & Independent Living, Wellness Center, and White Fence Estate. While there is an extensive list of opportunities listed below, the possibilities are limitless based on the gifts and talents that each volunteer brings to the table. Here are a few ideas:
Volunteer Opportunities
- Gift Shop Attendant
- Sit and Chat Visitor
- Activity Assistant
- Cooking Club Guest Chef
- Card Playing Companion
- Musical Volunteers
- Patient & Family Escort
- Volunteer Bus Driver
- Green Thumb Gardeners
- Outing Assistant
- Bingo Caller
- Greeter & Door Assistants
- Pastoral Care
- Move-In Buddy
- Special Projects & Events Volunteer
- Kidz Klub Assistant
Becoming a Volunteer
You must be a minimum of 13 years of age.
Complete a volunteer services application along with any other necessary forms.
Meet with the Volunteer Coordinator.
Complete a background check, tox screen, and receive a flu shot.
Attend orientation and complete all signature forms prior to volunteering.
Questions about HMC Volunteer Services
We would love to answer your questions and assist you through this process. To volunteer, or to find out more information, please call Mindy in Volunteer Services at 309-449-4290 or email her at [email protected].